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Green Business Practices


  • Gather organization members to set sustainability priorities
  • Register for California Green Business Network certification
  • Begin benchmarking energy and water use through EPA’s Portfolio Manager


  • Perform an energy audit
    • Contact your SDG&E representative for a free energy audit
  • Adjust your comfort level
    • Shifting your thermostat up a few degrees warmer on hot days and a few degrees cooler on cold days will reduce energy use and save $
  • Use Energy Star rated appliances and electronic equipment when feasible
  • Install occupancy sensors
  • Retrofit all lighting with LED equivalents - SDG&E programs offer rebates & incentives
  • Use natural daylight whenever possible to reduce electric lighting use
  • Turn off any electrical equipment when not in use
  • Perform regular preventative maintenance on your air conditioning and other mechanical systems


  • Perform a water audit of your business
    • Helps to understand water use
    • Helps identify water leaks
    • Helps identify fixtures that can be upgraded such as:
      • Low-flow toilets and urinals
      • Low-flow aerators and shower heads
      • Waterless urinals
  • Promote water conservation habits in your business
    • Add signage to promote water-wise habits
  • Plant native and drought tolerant landscaping
    • Replace grass & water intensive landscaping


  • Perform a waste audit for your business
    • Helps identify waste diversion opportunities
  • Promote waste diversion in your business
    • Educate employees about the need to divert waste from the landfill
    • Create/improve recycling and composting programs, learn more here
  • Implement sustainable purchasing plan
    • Consume products that can be easily reused or recycled

To learn more about Green Business Resources, click here!