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Contra Costa County
Green Business Program

Join the Green Business Community!

The Contra Costa Green Business Program helps small and medium-sized businesses find ways to minimize their impact on the environment by eliminating or reducing waste generated, finding alternatives to hazardous materials, reducing energy and water consumption, and improving the quality of air, wastewater, and storm water discharges. Businesses, including public and non-profit organizations, that meet all of the industry-specific requirements are recognized as certified Green Businesses.

Recently certified!

TJC and Associates, Inc. is an engineering firm specializing in electrical and structural design services. Our commitment to sustainability is evident through our Contra Costa Green Business certification and our practices of reducing water consumption and choosing eco-friendly products.

TJC and Associates, Inc
Recently certified!

MLT Resolutions proudly joins the Contra Costa Green Business Program. Our mediation services align with green practices by reducing litigation, which cuts down on resource-heavy court processes. We also use digital tools to minimize paper and travel, promoting sustainability in conflict resolution.

MLT Resolutions
Recently recertified!

Green Certification aligns with our company’s culture of care for our employees, customers, and community. Sustainability matters and this is one of our motives for becoming the #1 Mustang Mach-E EV dealership in the nation.

Walnut Creek Ford
Walnut Creek
Recently certified!

We are committed to offering environmentally conscious consumers premium compostable bags and liners that reduce waste and support California’s SB1383. We focus on true sustainability, avoiding ‘greenwashing’ to deliver products that fully break down into water, CO2, and humus when composted.

Green Handle US
Recently certified!

En Sumakuy, nos dedicamos a la venta online de auténticos productos peruanos de alimentos, y estamos orgullosos de compartir nuestro más reciente logro: la certificación de Green Business. Esta certificación refleja nuestro compromiso con la sustentabilidad. Un sabor Peruano que cuida el planeta!

Recently certified!

By participating in the Green Business Program, I hope to demonstrate my commitment to reducing the environmental footprint of government operations. It's crucial we reflect our constituents’ strong values on sustainability in the County’s work.

Office of Supervisor Carlson
Pleasant Hill
Recently certified!

Becoming a green-certified business is most important to us as we continue to strive to be the best automotive business we can be for our customers and community. This certification aligns with how we do business and want to continue becoming greener and better.

Fran's Auto Service & Repair Inc
Walnut Creek