Children spend 8-10 hours a day in childcare facilities, where they play, learn and grow. Ensuring those environments are safe and healthy can have a lasting impact on a child’s development. CAGBN is working with childcare facilities throughout the Monterey Bay and Central Valley Areas to transition to safer choice cleaning products and reusable foodware to create a clean and safe environment for children and childcare workers.
Why Safer Products Matter:
Chemicals and Degreasers found in commonly used cleaning products are linked to asthma, cancer and long-term harm to reproductive health.
Why Safer Products Matter to Children:
- Young children play on the floor where chemicals can collect.
- They often put their hands and objects in their mouths and could swallow any chemicals that are left on them.
- They have softer, more absorbent skin, and their bodies have a harder time breaking down toxins.
- Young children are growing and developing and chemicals have a stronger effect on them.
- They breathe more per body weight than adults, and they have smaller airways. (Maybe use image of adult and child silhouette referenced below)